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Get the best of
Scanner Pro
Easily turn papers into PDFs with your iPhone and iPad. Scan any documents – it just takes a few taps
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Editors’ Choice by Apple
Scan documents in seconds
Get perfect scans with Scanner Pro automatically detecting document borders, removing shadows, and correcting distortions.
Scan documents in seconds
Get perfect scans with Scanner Pro automatically detecting document borders, removing shadows, and correcting distortions.
Turn scanned documents into text
Turn scanned documents into text
Convert any scan into text, so you can read, edit and share it. Scanner Pro uses Smart OCR technology and recognizes the text in 25+ languages.
Share your scans anywhere
Share your scans anywhere
Export your scans in any format to any app. You can even fax them!
Magically clean your scans
Easily remove stains and marks and get rid of the fingerprints to make your scans look professional.
Magically clean your scans
Easily remove stains and marks and get rid of the fingerprints to make your scans look professional.
Automatically create Expense Report
Automatically create Expense Report
Quickly create PDF or CSV expense reports by scanning your receipts with Scanner Pro. The app automatically detects all key information from receipts.
Save your time with smart workflows
Save your time with smart workflows
Need to rename a receipt, send it to the accountant, and save it to the cloud? Set up a smart workflow and perform all these actions with a single tap.
Keep your docs organized
Quickly find the needed document in Scanner Pro. Create folders and set name templates and let Scanner Pro automatically sort scans into categories.
Keep your docs organized
Quickly find the needed document in Scanner Pro. Create folders and set name templates and let Scanner Pro automatically sort scans into categories.
Try Scanner Pro now, the best scanner app for iPhone and iPad.